22 January 2009

Spring 2009 Knock Knock Stuff

Lately I find myself nervously laughing so that I don't cry over the current state of the economy. Mostly I'm just bitter because my level of retail therapy has gone down substantially (I've had to lay off of Etsy. It's a sad, sad state of affairs.). In times like these it is hard to motivate yourself to stay organized without becoming overwhelmed. Luckily Knock Knock has done the bulk of the dirty work for us. Today on their website they introduced their Spring 2009 line of pithy paper products, including a new line of "anti-eco" file folders, and several new additions to their hilarious collection of stationary goodies.

Here are a few of my faves...

NEW! Totables - Free standing, portable file totes with a sense of humor to boot

NEW! File Folders - Keep yourself organized and piss off that annoying hippie in your office in one fell swoop.

NEW! Paper Mouse Pad - Because let's face it, you'd forget your own name if you couldn't write it down on paper.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

um I kind of need all those folders. do they help me not go "Sweeney Todd" on people?

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